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Water Purification Systems

Emergency Preparedness Canada (EPC) currently offers two types of water purification systems, tailored and scalable to meet the needs of communities of any population size.


The AquaResponse units are self-contained water treatment systems designed to provide microbiologically safe drinking water from any fresh surface water source, including lakes, ponds, rivers, and cisterns. Key features and benefits include:


  • Prevention of Waterborne Illnesses: Effectively protects against diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, E. coli infections, Giardiasis, and Cryptosporidiosis.

  • Portability: Lightweight and easily transportable, enabling the delivery of safe drinking water to various locations.

  • Comprehensive Disinfection: Improves water quality by ensuring effective disinfection, enhanced taste, and reduced odour.

  • Chemical-Free Operation: Requires no additional chemicals, making it safe and environmentally friendly.

  • Ease of Use and Maintenance: Simple to operate, cost-effective, and designed for minimal maintenance.

  • Broad Protection: Safeguards against pathogenic bacteria (e.g., E. coli), cysts (e.g., Cryptosporidium, Giardia), viruses, sediment, organics, and undesirable tastes and odors.


The AquaResponse units provide a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly solution for delivering safe drinking water in various emergency or remote settings.


Each AquaResponse (AR) unit features high performance ultraviolet disinfection technology and incorporates a robust triple-stage treatment design:


  1. Primary Stage: Pre-filter removes dirt, rust, sediment, silt, mud, and other particulate matter.

  2. Secondary Stage: Carbon filter reduces organic contaminants.

  3. Tertiary Stage: Utilizes advanced ultraviolet (UV) technology to disinfect the water.


EPC’s solutions provide reliable and scalable options to maintain community resilience during emergencies.

To request full spec sheets on all AquaResponse units please contact

All AquaResponse units are NSF/ANSI & CSA certified and Canadian Made.


AquaResponse 6

The AR6 is a compact water treatment system engineered to provide microbiologically safe drinking water from surface water sources such as lakes, ponds, rivers, and cisterns. It operates at a flow rate of 6 US gallons per minute (22.7 litres per minute), producing up to 29,000 litres of clean drinking water daily. This capacity meets the daily drinking water needs of approximately 7,250 individuals, based on a standard consumption rate of 4 litres per person per day.


AquaResponse 10

The AR10 is an advanced water treatment system designed to produce microbiologically safe drinking water from surface water sources, including lakes, ponds, rivers, and cisterns. With a flow rate of 10 US gallons per minute (37.8 litres per minute), the system can generate up to 50,000 litres of clean, safe drinking water daily. This capacity meets the drinking water needs of approximately 12,500 individuals per day, based on a standard consumption rate of 4 litres per person per day.

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